Sunday, January 2, 2011

My First Blog!

Wow, is this crazy! I've been wanting to do a blog for the looooonnnnnngest time! But didn't have a clue as to where to start. And here I am....doing it! I'm so excited to get started as I believe the Lord has things to say to me that I'm to share with others. So here goes!

Coming up with a name for my blog was no easy task. I wanted something that reflected me, yet others could relate to. Blessed Beyond Measure is what I settled on, mostly because...well...I am!

Another option was gonna be Living Simply in a Complicated World, but I thought that might be a little on the heavy side. Not to mention, I've only just begun to figure out for myself what living simply in a complicated world might look like!

So, here we are, day two of 2011. Yesterday was a quiet day of rest, listening to the rain on the roof, while sauerkraut and pork simmered in the crockpot. I chose to spend time reading, praying for friends, watching a movie, and doing things around my home that would make my life more simple. Funny how something as mundane as clearing away clutter from the top of my desk just eased my mind!

Today, a special gift from the Lord came in the form of my landlord and  his helpers....I now have a new door on my enclosed porch and the other one closes! And the fan/vent above my kitchen stove was replaced as well as one of the hasps on a storage shed (with a new lock and keys for it!). They also dug up some heavy metal circular objects that were intended to be a sidewalk of sorts, but in the snow, were slippy and hazardous. So, I am blessed! ☺

And I was told today that my bathroom will be completely redone sometime in the next month or so. There are some issues with said bathroom, so this news is like another present! I know that when the time comes, it will be a inconvenience to have it all torn up, but in the long run, a blessing!

May you find your blessings today in the small things that the Lord does .... they may be hidden, waiting to be found by you. They are there...if you just look!

Blessings to you always,


  1. Congrats on starting your own blog Sue! I think the title is perfect! Glad to hear that things are getting fixed up around your place... definitely a blessing!!

  2. As for the bathroom remodel: See if the deli or any other dept at Wal-Mart has empty 5 gal buckets. You may need to have a reserve of water for kitchen or other needs while the work goes on. (You want to be able to get ready for work according to your schedule, & not the plumbers.)

  3. @ Nen - Thank you! You and your sister are part of my inspiration to start it!

    @ Laurie - Considering what my schedule can be, this is a HUGELY useful tip! Thanks!!!!! Am hoping that since it's the landlord and his brother doing the job, it will go it's not a huge room! But it would be nice to have a tub that truly drains and a commode that doesn't need to be flushed 2-3 times to get everything down and a floor that doesn't kind of slope towards the tub (while it's not horrid, it's bad enough to warrant being replaced!) Pray, tho, that there are no huge problems found once they take stuff out!


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