Saturday, July 6, 2019

Ah, June.... You Kept Me Busy!

Been about a month (almost) since I last sat down and did a blog post.
So here I am, trying to see if I can remember it all!!
I've kept busy between this, that, and the other things that come up in life, so I guess I'm overdue!
And will most likely break it all down into a couple of posts!!

June Happenings included not one, but two trips to the library for a used book sale, a haircut, and a 45th high school class reunion! 
Cooking and baking still happened, work still happened, and it was a good month!!!

First up, a much needed haircut so that I could look good for the class reunion!
The above picture was me being goofy the next day, so here's how it looked right after it was cut!
Sweet Colleen made me look great again!! ♥
Such a talented lady - my head and hairs are always safe in her hands!

These caught my eye as I headed home.

 Just ♥loved♥ the greens in these!!
A simple country fence
 More wildflowers by the side of the road

Those two trips to the library were so worth it!!!
First, I got to support the local library...
And second, I got to bring home books!
Time, effort and money well-spent!!
 First Day Haul - 23 books
In this particular stack, you can see The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
I've read the book, seen the movie, but didn't own my own copy of the book.
My sweet sister, Melissa, had loaned it to me last year and I ♥loved♥ the book.
I had seen the movie on TV when I was in the hospital last October, 
recuperating from my sigmoid colectomy (colon resection, thanks to diverticulitis!).
So.... when I saw this book on one of the tables.... for a dollar, no less....I scooped it up!!!

 Second Haul - 28 books
 And 6 cookbooks!!!
I have several JoAnna Lund cookbooks in my pantry and was tickled to add these ones I found to the bunch!
And a Diabetic Cookbook for the crockpot? 
Why, yes, please!!!
And thank you!!
The other two are collections put out by groups as a fundraiser at one time.
I liked them because I saw that some of the names were of local people and there were some recipes in them that I'd like to try.... sometime!

I should mention that I almost always give the books back to the library for them to sell again at the used book sale.
As I read them, I initial the front of the book, and place it into a box.
Once a few boxes of books are filled, I call the library to let them know I'm coming, and take them there.
I've been doing this for about three years now and get a kick out of doing it.
It's also funny to me that I find myself drawn to the same books that I donated.
Good thing I put my initials in the front so I know I've already read them!
If a book is, in my opinion, a "keeper", it goes to my bookcase, where it will be waiting for me to reread it again!

Last pic in the post was taken the last day of June
after I picked these flowers from the yard outside.
I ♥love♥ daisies!
Will post later today, I hope, the pictures from the class reunion that I went to a few weeks ago.
In the meantime, I look at these pictures and think
I am truly

Love and prayers,

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