Monday, July 8, 2019

Suggestions from the LOFT: 7.8.19 - And Other Stuff

Happy Monday, one and all!!!

Have some Suggestions from my LOFT today from the past 
few days here - that I actually did yesterday!

Sometimes I have these cravings for fruit....thus, I keep a bag or two of frozen fruit in my freezer all the time!!
It makes it easy to toss into a blender along with some vanilla yogurt and orange juice and call it a smoothie.
Which is something I did on Friday last week -
altho, I must admit that I froze part of the smoothie
to make like a sorbet for later.
It was delish!
Mixed Fruit
 The rest of the large bag I had opened went into my largest 
measuring bowl - can we say peaches, pineapple, strawberries, red grapes, and cherries?
(I'm having another dish as I type this up!)

I had chili for both lunch and supper yesterday, since I didn't really have any the day before (Saturday) when I made it.
Topped with shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream -

But I hadn't baked anything!!
And I like to bake on the weekend!!!
So, last evening, I knew I wanted rhubarb something, so....
 Old Fashioned Rhubarb Pudding Cake
 The girl got her rhubarb!!! ♥

Other Stuff
Today, I slept in.
Which felt great to do! 
I knew, though, that I needed to go for blood work at the local hospital.
I usually plan on doing a number of things if I'm going to be out of the house,
so I also knew a trip to the Clarion Walmart was going to happen, too.

Blood work went fine.
Corrine, who took my blood today, also drew my blood a few weeks ago.
She, in my book, is awesome!!
No pain, no pinch!!!

Drove over to Walmart, got things on my list, and things not on my list.
LOL - no surprise!!

There's another blog I follow online, A Working Pantry, that does a weekly post called
$5 or Less Pantry Building Challenge.
The idea is that this $5 is not part of your regular weekly food budget, 
but is used to help build your pantry.
I like the idea, to be honest.
But I honestly don't deliberately do it...
I did today!!!

I found these 5 cans of apricot halves in a clearance section for $.75 each, regularly $1 each.
Not sure why they were on clearance....they only had the 5 cans.
The expiration date is March 2021.
And I do like apricots!!!
Not to mention, now I can make things that call for apricots!
So, to spend $3.75 for them, I feel good about it!

I do have to admit that I splurged today by going thru the Arby's drive-thru on my way home.
And I will admit that I will most likely not be doing that again for a long time.
Too expensive!!!!
The meal was delicious -
Just not worth the price!!
Now I remember why I rarely eat out!!

Other fun finds for the day were some material for the quilt project I'm working on, some reduced drink mixes (for my water bottle), and a 3# bag of Vidalia onions!
LOL - those are the things sticking out in my mind right now!

When I got home, and was putting things away,
I got a phone call from my PCP's office.
A little background info:
I had had blood done before my last appointment there last month.
When I was talking with the PA, he was suggesting that I see a nephrologist.
His concern was in regards to my kidney function numbers.

We discussed it and it was decided that I would have the blood work for my BUN, GFR and Creatinine done again. 
This time, no fasting.
If he was still concerned, we would be making an appointment with a nephrologist to see if there was something that needed to be done with regards to the medications I'm taking.

At that appointment, I spoke to him about my not wanting to be referred to a specific doctor because of the experiences I had had with him.
I told him that I had discussed it with the PCP at one time and we had decided my numbers were doing well enough that I could just see the PCP.

Not to mention, I'd gotten to the point where I was only seeing the nephrologist every six months and a number of times, those appointments got cancelled and rescheduled.
I wasn't happy about seeing him again, as I really didn't care for his "bedside manner."
He said he'd refer me to someone else to avoid that!

So... I think to humor me....
the PA said, "OK, let's redo the blood work in two weeks and see where things are."
I was cool with that.
And was even going to be on board with his suggesting a different nephrologist, if one was needed.

Well, happy, happy news!!!
The news is that my numbers are pretty much staying the same, so no need to see a nephrologist!!
And I don't need blood work or a visit at the PCP office until December!!

I do have to keep an eye on things, with regards to my kidneys and such, but otherwise, am doing well enough to finally, after seven long years,
to go from doing blood work every three months to every six months!!

And yes, tonight, I am feeling, very much
Blessed Beyond Measure!!

Love and prayers, 


  1. Glad to hear that things are going well with your kidney #'s! :)

    1. Thanks, Devon!! I'm thrilled about it!!! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I only just saw that you'd commented this morning. LOL, could be that's because I haven't posted in a little while!!!


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